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01-08/07/2018 - Zurich Summer School | Women in Political Methodology (Ζυρίχη)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Μάρτιος 16, 2018

The Zurich Summer School for Women in Political Methodology is a fellowship program hosted by the Department of Political Science (IPZ) of the University of Zurich (UZH) with the aim of establishing a European network of women working in political methodology and data science. In 2018, the Summer School will take place on 1-8 July.

During the 7-day program, the Summer School seeks to promote technical skills, provide mentorship, and encourage networking and peer support for women working with quantitative social science research methods, in particular in Political Science.

Every year, the Summer School offers a core program on computational methods that include: Functions in R, Scraping, Simulations, Advanced Graphics, and Text Analysis. In 2018, the Summer School will also offer a course on Social Network Analysis.

The final day of the Summer School is always dedicated to a supervised Hackathon during which fellows have the opportunity to brainstorm, develop, and be mentored on a project of their choice. This might include a data visualization project, simulations, writing a piece of code, analyzing (new) data, or building a professional website.

As a competitive fellowship, the Summer School is free of charge.

The fellowship includes tuition, accommodation, transportation, lunch and a conference dinner. This is possible thanks to a generous GRC grant from the University of Zurich’s Graduate Research Campus and additional funding from the IPZ.

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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