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Giract's Flavor Research Bursary for First year PhD Students, Switzerland (2015-2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Σάββατο, Οκτώβριος 31, 2015

Giract's Flavor Research Promotional programme aims to raise the profile of flavor science research in Europe by encouraging students of differing scientific disciplines to engage in innovating flavor related research PhD projects and thus to advance the exciting and challenging field of flavor science.

Giract awards first year PhD registered in any European Universities (EU-28 and Turkey) with relevant research on flavor science including chemistry, processing, technology, legislation and characterisation.

The bursary will be used to give the student an extra incentive and make projects attractive to high calibre students.

The bursary of EUR 3000 will be awarded to the 6 selected first year PhD students during 2016, based on research-related invoices counter-signed by the respective professors.

Invoices can relate to expenses such as purchases of equipment, databases, participation in conferences, visits to laboratories, etc.

Any unused part of the bursary will be handed over to the respective department of the university/institute.

Research Fields
- Chemistry - Organic chemistry
- Chemistry - Molecular chemistry
- Chemistry - Analytical chemistry
- Chemistry - Instrumental analysis
- Chemistry - Structural chemistry
- Psychological sciences - Psychoanalytic studies

Other costs
Expenses such as purchases of equipment, databases, participation in conferences, visits to laboratories, etc.

Eligibility criteria
- Projects must be designed for the award of PhD or equivalent
- Projects must have started or will start in academic year 2015/2016

Can be from any scientific background but one aim of the bursaries is to attract people who have not studied Food Chemistry, Food Science or Food Technology to study food flavors

Further details:


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