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25-27/6/2015- Διεθνές Συνέδριο Laser and Aesthetics Europe 2015 (Αθήνα)

Μάιος 25, 2015 15:56

The Laser and Aesthetics Europe 2015 International Congress is to be held from June 25 - 27th, 2015, the year which has officially been proclaimed by UNESCO as the “Year of the Light and light based technologies”.

The title of the Congress “Light of Beauty over the Parthenon” reflects all this harmony in science.

This ELA convened Congress ( European Laser Association) will act as the 16th annual Congress of the European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery and the Annual congress of the Dutch Aesthetic Laser Association- DALA.

20-31/7/2015- International Summer School on: Virtual Engineering Software Solutions for Space Applications as Nano-Labs & Nano-Sats using the PTC ThingWorx Platform (Constanta, Romania)

Μάιος 25, 2015 15:47

The Black Sea Universities Network is organizing in Constanta, Romania, between July, 20th and 31st 2015, the International Summer School on: Virtual Engineering Software Solutions for Space Applications as Nano-Labs & Nano-Sats using the PTC ThingWorx Platform – VESPER - A Hack-a-Thon Event.

7-14/9/2015- 1° International Youth Camp "Beyond Europe:Youth is EU!", call for participants (Salento, Puglia - Italy)

Μάιος 25, 2015 15:41

Europe Direct Salento (Puglia-Italy) organizes the 1st International Youth Camp "Beyond Europe: EU Youth is!" (7 - 14 September 2015) in Salento (Puglia - Italy).

The deadline for submission the online form is June 21st, 2015.

The online form is avalaible at this link

29/06 - 03/07/2015 - 2nd International Entrepreneurship Summer School, Democritus University of Thrace (Xanthi, Greece)

Μάιος 23, 2015 08:04

The 2nd Entrepreneurship Summer School provides you the opportunity to develop your business skills and experience the challenge of shaping a real business opportunity in practice.

Over the course of the school you will have the chance to research your target market and industry and learn what it takes to turn an idea into a viable business opportunity.

Why attend this programme?


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