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Diageo Sales Graduate Programme 2016 (Athens)

Δεκ 01, 2015 09:56

Diageo customers are at the heart of everything we do in Sales and working in our Sales team’s means you’ll be immersed in our sales processes. Being part of the Sales team means working directly with customers, and it’s a team where your efforts directly impact our business performance.

Open Vacancies at International Rescue Committee (Mytilini)

Δεκ 01, 2015 09:30

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. At work today in over 40 countries, the IRC aims to restore safety, dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure.

44o Τακτικό Πρόγραμμα Υποτροφιών, Ίδρυμα Μποδοσάκη (2016-2017)

Δεκ 01, 2015 09:16

Γνωστοποιείται στους ενδιαφερόμενους ότι το ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΜΠΟΔΟΣΑΚΗ περιέλαβε στο πρόγραμμα του έτους 2016 την χορήγηση υποτροφιών για μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές σε Ελληνικά ή αλλοδαπά Πανεπιστήμια για το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2016-2017.
Αίτηση μπορούν να υποβάλουν Πτυχιούχοι ή Τελειόφοιτοι φοιτητές του Πανεπιστημιακού Τομέα των Α.Ε.Ι. των εξής επιστημονικών κλάδων και για τα αντίστοιχα πεδία μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών:

1. Βιολογίας:
Χωρίς περιορισμό πεδίων μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών.

European Maritime Safety Traineeship Programme Spring 2016

Νοε 30, 2015 10:09

The European Maritime Safety Agency offers traineeships for a period of at least 3 months and at most 5 months. The traineeship program aims to provide trainees with work experience in the field of maritime safety legislation, response to pollution at sea and cooperation among member states in safety at sea matters. Inservice training enables trainees to acquire practical experience by means of their work and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their academic studies or professional careers.

Whirlpool Fast Track Management Program 2016

Νοε 30, 2015 09:54

Whirlpool offers talented students and graduates the opportunity to kick-start their career in their field of interest. Not only will you work on real projects with real responsibilities right from day one, you also get the possibility to develop yourself to the fullest on a personal and professional level. We put a strong focus on career development: Whirlpool is an organization capable of offering both international and local opportunities, with a flexible structure for career advancement and great opportunities to experience different roles in the organization.

Trainee Programme in Deutsche Bahn

Νοε 29, 2015 22:44

You will be working in our head office in Essen, Germany as well as our subsidiaries worldwide. This will offer you an overview of the industry’s complexity and give you the opportunity to build your own network in our company and to broaden your intercultural competence. Training weeks will give you the chance to strengthen your project management skills as well as presentation skills. Several workshops will familiarize you with our logistics processes and methods.

Κοινωνικοί Επιστήμονες & Εργασιακοί Σύμβουλοι στην Praksis (Αθήνα&Θεσσαλονίκη)

Νοε 27, 2015 12:40

Η Μ.Κ.Ο. PRAKSIS αναζητεί συνεργάτες (Κοινωνικούς Επιστήμονες & Εργασιακούς Συμβούλους) για το Πρόγραμμα Κοινωνική Κατοικία, Αθήνα & Θεσσαλονίκη.

Η οργάνωση αναζητά:

Open Vacancies at "International Medical Corps" (Athens)

Νοε 26, 2015 10:14

International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

PDEng Maintenance - Several positions expected soon (open application)

Νοε 26, 2015 09:52

The Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) programme Maintenance is very interesting for you. The PDEng programme is a 2-year post MSc technological programme with a focus on technological design. This programme at the University of Twente contains an educational part that will be followed at the University, and a design project that will be carried out at a company. The educational programme will have an in-depth and broadening character with ample attention for professional development and will be partly tailored to the design project.



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Erasmus Placement

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