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15 PhD Postions in Medical Imaging, BIOQIC, Germany (2017)

Ιαν 20, 2017 09:31

15 PhD positions (TV-L 13, 65%) are available for a period of three years, starting April 1st 2017. These will be part of the newly established Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) on ‘Biophysical and Quantitative Imaging towards Clinical Diagnosis’ (BIOQIC), a collaborative venture of the Berlin university hospital (Charité), Berlin universities (Technical University and Free University), and research institutions (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin, Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie Berlin-Buch).

3 PhD Scholarships, University of Wollongong, Australia (2017)

Ιαν 20, 2017 09:27

3 full-time PhD Scholarships in the epidemiology of urban green space and health available in the PowerLab at the University of Wollongong (UOW)

Topics: Three PhD projects are available that focus on understanding the potential influences of urban green spaces and tree canopy on:

- PhD 1 - birth outcomes;
- PhD 2 - health inequities in middle-to-older aged adults;
- PhD 3 - health service and prescription use and costs.

PhD Scholarships, School of Social, Political & Geographical Sciences, Loughborough University, UK (2017)

Ιαν 20, 2017 09:23

Applications are invited for up to two fully funded studentships in the School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences at Loughborough University. Internationally renowned for its research excellence, the University has a vibrant research student community of around 1200 students. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework, every department was found to be undertaking research that is internationally recognized, with many regarded as ‘world leading’.

PhD Researcher at the Seagate Technology in U.K.

Ιαν 19, 2017 15:17

Seagate delivers advanced digital storage solutions to meet the needs of today’s consumers and tomorrow’s applications. Through technology, leadership and innovation, Seagate continues to help individuals and businesses maximize the potential of their digital content in an ever-evolving, on-demand world.

Research Role: I/O steering for Big Data and HPC


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