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Χειμερινό/Θερινό Σχολείο

6-10/7/2015- Summer School in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) at Cyprus University of Technology (Limassol, Cyprus)

Μαρ 27, 2015 15:42

The overarching aim of this summer school course is to improve participants’ understanding of significant research methods commonly or increasingly used in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI).

Together with a shift of emphasis from usability engineering to user experience (UX) design where users’ values, feelings and needs are regarded as important as their task-oriented performance, HCI appears to have become a cauldron in which research methods from associated disciplines are brewed.

15-29/08/2015 - LISA Summer Academy in Immunology (Hannover, Germany)

Μαρ 27, 2015 11:03

Hannover Biomedical Research School, as part of Hannover Medical School (MHH), invites applications for the Summer academy, from August 15th – 29th, 2015.

9-19/07/2015 - Europe on the Menu: Summer School on Food, Culture and Agriculture, France

Μαρ 27, 2015 00:05

Culinary traditions are an integral part of European culture. Each country, each region even of the European Union has its own, characteristic recipes. Where would Europe be without its Italian pasta, Belgian or German beer, Danish rye bread, Hungarian goulash, Spanish tortillas, Austrian strudel, Czech Slivovitz liqueur or French Cancoillotte cheese? The list is endless but conjures up an image of the Union European where diversity is not an obstacle but is, on the contrary, a creative patchwork and an invitation to discover other cultures.

12/09-21/11/2015 - Women PeaceMakers Program, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ), U.S.A.

Μαρ 26, 2015 23:58

Applicants are invited to apply to a unique residency program from 12 September – 21 November 2015 for women engaged in peacebuilding and human rights in San Diego, USA. The Women PeaceMakers (WPM) Program at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ) involves learning, teaching and taking the time to narrate a personal, unique story of peacemaking.


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