This job description is for a Study Co-ordinator who will work on Work Package 2/3 (WP X) of the SENSE-Cog programme. This programme, comprising 6 closely interlinked work packages, is a 5-year EU funded initiative that will address the broad challenges outlined in Horizon 2020 PHC-22 –2015 call. The overall aim is to improve mental health and preventing the onset of or slowing the decline of dementia in elderly Europeans. Specifically, the approach taken by SENSE-Cog is to address the impact of hearing and vision impairment (‘sensory’ impairment) on cognitive and mental well-being, including dementia. The programme will do this through the following WPs:
WP 1: Exploration: This will explore the relationship among hearing, vision and cognitive functioning through an in-depth analysis of data from existing large-scale longitudinal ageing population databases in Europe.
WP 2: Assessment: This will develop and test new ways of assessing cognition and mental health in people with hearing and vision impairment.
WP 3: Intervention: This will involve the development, field testing and trialling of a ‘sensory support’ intervention for people with dementia living at home.
WP 4: Valuation: This will address the health economic and cost-effectiveness issues related to sensory and cognitive co-morbidity, as well as the intervention.
WP 5: Participation, communication and dissemination: This will give our participants, service users and carers the chance to contribute to the programme; it will also involve a public engagement component to disseminate SENSE-Cog’s findings.
WP 6: Management. This is coordinated from our partners in Munich, GABO, who will ensure that the overall programme meets its milestones and deliverables. GABO works closely with the project leads and will also coordinate with the study coordinators of each package.
Contact person details: Dr Chryssoula Thodi,
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