The current refugee situation is a moving target of rapidly changing patterns, consequences and societal reactions which beg scientific analysis and explanation. It constitutes the largest displacement of people on European soil since the Second World War. As such it will have profound and lasting social, political and economic implications in both Europe and the countries of origin. Malmö University has from an early stage been engaged in raising awareness and disseminating knowledge through the project Malmö University for refugees. As an additional step of this humanitarian and academic commitment the university hereby announces at least five two-year post doctorate positions in research on refugee migration to Europe. The positions are further subdivided into several thematic orientations: Refugee migration, media and communication, Refugee migration and governance, Refugee migration and care science, Refugee migration and criminology, and Refugee migration and social work.
he positions entail 80% research and 20% teaching in relevant subjects at the respective faculties. The positions also entail taking regular part in a joint seminar on refugee migration at the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM). The positions concern research on refugees and associated aspects of migration and settlement. They are subdivided into the following thematic orientations:
Reference number: REK 2.2.1-2016/43, Refugee migration, media and communication.
This position will be placed at the School of Arts and Communication (K3). The post doctorate placed at K3 will focus on the role played by media and communication in relation to refugee migration. The proposal should fit within the framework of the research profile New media, public spheres and forms of expression New Media. It can be in the areas of for example collaborative media, communication for development, social entrepreneurship or activism. Possible approaches include media ethnography, visual and digital storytelling, action research, and design-based or artistic research. The position also involves teaching on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Reference number: REK 2.2.1-2016/44, Refugee migration and governance
The position is located at the Department of Global Political Studies (GPS). Research projects should relate to the connections between migration and governance, understood in the broadest sense. Projects may, for example, engage with the decision-making, implementation, and effects of refugee policy/ies on local, national, transnational and/or supranational levels, or with the diffusion and implementation of institutions, norms, and regimes.
Reference number: REK 2.2.1-2016/45, Refugee migration and Care Science
The position will be placed at the Department of Care Science (Care Science), which focuses on education and research in nursing and care science, and be a part of a research programme with the aim to develop knowledge about cultural competence in care, in order to inform policy, health and social care planning as well as professionals, e.g. nurses and others. The position also involves teaching on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Reference number: REK 2.2.1-2016/46, Refugee migration and Criminology
This position will be placed at the Department of Criminology (Criminology). The research should examine structural and cultural aspects related to problem behaviours and health-related outcomes among migrant children and adolescents with the overall aim to explain the causes of variation in collective processes associated with healthy communities and to provide innovative opportunities for preventive intervention. The candidate will be part of a research group within the field of ecological and developmental criminology.
Reference number: REK 2.2.1-2016/47, Refugee migration and Social work
This position will be placed at the Department of social work. The Department of Social Work offers programmes on all levels including a PhD-Programme in Social Work. We focus on injustices and other circumstances that expose individuals and groups to vulnerable life situations. The research platform addresses topics such as children, youth and family, ageing, functional disability and substance abuse The Research Platform for Social Vulnerability and Social Work . The proposal should fit within the framework of the research profile social vulnerability and social work. The position also involves teaching on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Applicants must state clearly with reference number, which one/s of the above the application and proposed project concerns.
Formal qualifications
Successful candidates for the position must possess a PhD degree in a relevant subject for the respective positions. The candidates must have completed their degree within three years before the application deadline. Candidates who have completed their degree more than three years ago shall receive equal priority if there are special reasons. Special reasons include leave due to sickness or trade union and student organization work, parental leave or other similar circumstances.
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