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3 PhD Positions, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Σάββατο, Οκτώβριος 15, 2016

The Ph.D. positions are connected to NTNU Aluminium Product Innovation Center (NAPIC), which is a newly-established collaboration between Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology and Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art at the Norwegian University of science and Technology (NTNU). The center is hosted by Department of Engineering Design and Materials—a part of Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology. NAPIC is a unique collaboration between NTNU, the aluminum manufacturing industry and select customers. The aim of NAPIC is to explore new aluminum product opportunities, employing a research-driven innovation approach based on cross-disciplinary collaboration between product design and development, manufacturing, materials technology and product applications. The vision is to become a world leader in research-driven aluminum product innovation.

The applicant must specify in which field s/he intends to submit the application. For an application to be considered, the applicant must prove commitment from a thesis supervisor/professor at NTNU. Also, a mandatory requirement is to attach a description (maximum 2 pages) of the research plan, developed together with his/her NTNU professor/supervisor. The positions require a MSc degree or equivalent in related fields. The successful applicant must be highly motivated and ambitious with excellent grades from his/her MSc (minimum average grade B). Proficiency to systematically carry out goal-oriented work, in combination with good skills to deliver oral and written presentation of research results, along with good collaborative capabilities will be emphasized. Excellent English skills—written and oral—are required.

Further details:

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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