Centre for Cognition & Decision Making (CDM) at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for multiple postdoctoral research positions in the field of cognitive neuroscience. The CDM is a young, ambitious and rapidly developing research centre, which offers excellent research environment and facilities, and pursues research in a number of cognitive science/neuroscience areas. We are interested in hearing from candidates with experience and interest in cognitive neuroscience/experimental psychology of language and communication, memory, attention and executive systems, decisions making and neuroeconomics, motor system, spatial and numerical cognition, neuroimaging methods, computational modelling and neural dynamics. Applicants in these and other domains of cognitive research as well as those with cross-disciplinary and cross-domain background will be given full consideration.
Eligible candidates should hold a PhD or similar degree (e.g. RF candidateship) in a relevant discipline, including (but not limited to) psychology, neuroinformatics or neuroscience.
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