In order to provide law students with an opportunity to gain practical experience in the field, the European Law students' Association (ELSA), has launched the 5th edition of the European Human Rights Moot Court Competition in cooperation with the Council of Europe. It will take place between 22 and 26 February 2016.
The competition, which simulates the procedure of complaints to the European Court of Human Rights, is open to all students from ELSA countries as well as from countries that are members of the Council of Europe.
The simulation of a court trial is often divided into two phases: the written phase and the oral phase. In the written part students draft submissions or memorials on behalf of the applicant and the respondent.
The written phase leads to the oral phase which means simulations of court hearings where students represent the applicant and the respondent. The teams will examine a fictive case and draft written submissions for each party.
The teams will be evaluated based on their written admissions and the best 16 teams will compete in the European final at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.
There is no initial participation fee to enter the moot court competition. However, the teams that are qualified to the Final Round have to pay a participation fee that covers accommodation and meals. Each member of the team participating at the Final Round has to pay a participation fee of 250 EUR/ person once ELSA International has sent an invoice. Additionally, every team coach may select the option for 500 EUR including accommodation or 100 EUR excluding accommodation. Travel expenses are not included in the participation fee.
The winning team will be awarded with a traineeship at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and with cash prizes: (EUR 2,000.00 prize for the winning team, EUR 1,000.00 prize for the second team and EUR 500.00 prize for the third team). The Best Overall Orator will be awarded with a traineeship at the Council of Europe Liaison Office with the European Union in Brussels and with cash prizes.
For those who will win the Council of Europe prize and the prize for the Best Overall Orator, ELSA will cover up to 400 EUR of the accommodation costs per person.
Deadline for sending questions: 9 October 2016.
Deadline for teams to register: 6 November 2016, 23:50 CET.
Deadline for written submission: 15 November 2016, 23:50 CET.
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