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6 PhD & 3 Postdoctoral Positions, KU Leuven, Belgium (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Σάββατο, Ιούλιος 15, 2017

The Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NUMA) research unit of the Department of Computer Science invites applications for up to 6 doctoral and 3 postdoctoral positions.


NUMA consists of 38 members (professors, postdoctoral and PhD researchers). We develop, analyse and implement numerical algorithms for applications in science and engineering. We focus on algorithmic innovations, and on the analysis of accuracy and efficiency. Our research relies on mathematical insight, design of algorithms, and software development.


NUMA has vacancies on several recently acquired research projects for researchers with various expertises.


Applicants should have a master's degree in (Applied) Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering or Physics, should have experience in programming and a general interest in the development and analysis of numerical methods, and/or their application in engineering and science. We are currently looking for candidates with specific interest/expertise in one (or more) of the following domains:

- Numerical (multi)-linear algebra: polynomial computations and iterative methods
- Multiscale and stochastic simulation methods
- Large-scale PDE-constrained optimization and uncertainty quantification
- Parallel algorithms and metaheuristics for cutting and packing problems
- High-dimensional approximation, simulation and analysis
- Computational methods for control
- Data driven network science.


We offer a stimulating environment at a European top university, a well-equipped and experienced multidisciplinary research unit, a personalized PhD trajectory, with attention paid to transferable skills development, and a competitive wage.

Further details:

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