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07-09/12/2018 - Social Innovation Forum | Smarter Living (Κίνα)

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Σεπτέμβριος 10, 2018

The ways we work and live are rapidly changing. Around the globe, new digital and “smart” technologies — from ride-sharing to artificial intelligence — are reshaping transport and how our cities and towns will function in coming decades. Co-working, distributed workforces, and the “gig economy” are making employment more mobile and flexible than ever. However, workspaces must be inclusive as well as productive.

Creating quality jobs and city spaces also strongly affect public health. China is a prime example: the country’s economy is growing fast, but urban pollution, water, and food safety issues remain.

The Yenching Social Innovation Forum is a three-day event that brings together young innovators from around the world to brainstorm solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing China and the world. The forum will consist of a series of workshops, keynote speakers, networking events, and site visits hosted by individuals and organizations who are leaders in social innovation.

The interconnected and evolving nature of our cities, economies, and well-being form the theme for the 2018 Yenching Social Innovation Forum. Inspired by the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals 3, 8, and 11, they invite young innovators to Beijing to learn, network, and pitch solutions for “Smarter Living: Cities, Jobs, and Health for the Future.”


YSIF welcomes applications from students (college and above), professionals, and entrepreneurs from 18 to 30 years old from around the world.


Transportation to and from Beijing, hotel accommodations, meals, and conference materials will all be accounted for by the Yenching Academy of Peking University. Participants will have to bear visa expenses (if applicable) and other personal expenses.

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