The Horizon2020 SMART-Plant EU Innovation Action (ESPP member) along with the ESPP, HERA and ECOMONDO will co-organise the 3rd European Nutrient Event for the Mediterranean area, at 8-9 November 2018, in Rimini, Italy.
This 3rd edition in Rimini, Italy, will be a follow up of the previous R&D events in Berlin (2015) and Basel (2017) and will focus on phosphorus and nutrient recycling and management in Italy, the Mediterranean region and in EU research, development and innovation.
Organized by:
Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP), Piattaforma Italiana del Fosforo, Piattaforma Tedesca del Fosforo, HERA, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Utilitalia, Confagricoltura, Assofertilizzanti