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CarpetVista International Design Competition, 2018

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Οκτώβριος 31, 2018

CarpetVista is celebrating its 10-year anniversary and hosts the 2018 international carpet design competition, open to all designers around the world.

The aim of the competition is to design a carpet, for which CarpetVista will provide the production. The carpet will be hand-tufted or hand-woven using the highest quality materials.

The total value of prizes is more than 14,000 Euro — of which 2,966 Euro (1,977 Euro + 989 Euro Carpet credits) are reserved for the 1st prize — will be awarded.

Submitted designs should give a modern feeling to the carpet and should not have too detailed motif. The size and shape (round, squared, rectangular etc.) may vary depending on the design. The design should suit a carpet that measures up to 2×3 meters.

Each participant may submit more than one entry.

Over the years CarpetVista have had the privilege of viewing over 20,000 beautiful designs, from more than 90 countries.

For some designers, joining the competition has changed their careers. For others, it has challenged the way they look at carpets. Above all, it has hopefully filled their hearts with joy.

For more information please visit the following link:
CarpetVista International Design Competition, 2018


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