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BlueCat Screenplay Competition 2020

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Δεκέμβριος 15, 2019

The BlueCat Screenplay Competition, now in its 22nd year, is open for submissions for its 2020 competition. BlueCat remains committed to the undiscovered writer and continues its tradition of providing written analysis on every script submitted.
BlueCat accepts features, shorts, and pilots and awards over $40,000 in cash prizes each year, including the Fellini Award, which gives $2,500 to the best script written by an international writer.

BlueCat Screenplay Competition 2020 awards include:
The Grand Prize Winner will receive $10,000. All scripts submitted (Features, Pilots and Shorts) are eligible.
The Feature Screenplay Winner will receive $5,000. Four Feature Finalists will receive $1,000 each.
The Pilot Winner will receive $5,000. Four Pilot Finalists will receive $1000 each.
The Short Script Winner will receive $5,000. Four Shorts Finalists will receive $1000 each.
The Fellini Award will be awarded to the Best Screenplay from any category (Feature, Pilots or Short) of the 2020 Competition written by a screenwriter residing outside the USA and will receive $2,500.
The 3 Title Contest Winners will receive $250 each.
Results Announcement Expected: 19 May 2020

For further information, please visit the following webpage: Bluecat Screenplay Competition 2020


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