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Professional Doctorate in Engineering Programme Robotics at University of Twente

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Δεκέμβριος 15, 2016

The PDEng programme is a 2-year post MSc technological programme with a focus on technological design. This programme at the University of Twente contains an educational part that will be followed at the University, and a design project that will be carried out at IHC Holland. The educational programme will have an in-depth and broadening character with ample attention for professional development and will be partly tailored to the design project. In collaboration with IHC Holland, high level, creative and new designs for complex issues will be aimed at.

Royal IHC produces large custom-built working vessels in the Netherlands in an industry with low margins and fierce competition. Therefore, it is under a lot of pressure to keep the cost-level under control. One way of doing this is by introducing welding robotics to the naval industry. The first (IHC) attempt can be seen hereunder. The robot is already operating with various degrees of success.
Currently IHC seeks ways to further improve the current robotic welding solution. However in order to do this properly the change should not only be applied in the production process, but in the whole company chain.

Design project
The main goal of this project is to asses and improve our current robotic welding solution including advising on and co-creating the necessary adaptations in the whole chain in order to maximally leverage the automation solution.
Before we proceed we will define ‘improve’:
A process which leads to a lower cost associated with producing the Casco of the vessel.
A process which maintains or improves the current quality standards of the welds.
A shorter total lead-time for vessel production (overall speed from order to delivery).
A process which is an integrated solution in the production flow and is not a ‘local optimum’.
A process which clearly defines the role division between the human operator and the automation.
A process which complies to or exceeds safety standards and regulations.
Project flow and subgoals

The flow is as follows:
(1st phase) Get familiar with the Status –quo and perform a market/literature study
Subgoal : Assessment of the current solution compared to available market standards / scientific research (where and how do we fit in?).
(2nd phase) Creating synergy: design for production in combination with a fitting, welding solution.
Subgoal: What are the estimated improvements in terms of cost reduction and lead-time reduction of the suggested welding solution in combination with potential construction changes of the standard vessels.
(3rd phase) (Possibly) Implementing the (partial) solution
This phase will be entered in case a positive result has been acquired. It will most likely encompass a lean and small implementation to test the solutions.

The key technologies in this project are (welding) Robotics, Robot productions software (from CAD to CAM to robot handling and welding), Shipbuilding production technology, and human machine interaction.

Deadline Application: 15-12-2016

Further details:
Professional Doctorate in Engineering Programme Robotics at University of Twente

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