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LightUp Festival 2017 – International Video Mapping Competition

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Αύγουστος 27, 2017

LightUp Festival is calling all audio-visual or multimedia artwork producers to register for the video mapping competition of its second edition.

The building used as a canvas is The Palace of Culture, an edifice built between 1906 and 1925, combining elements of the Neo-gothic, Romantic and Neo-baroque styles. The artists’ creations will be projected on its southern facade.


Participants are invited to submit three (3) static snapshots and a 30 seconds animation demo.

Palas Park is the venue where the LightUp Festival will take place on the 28th of October 2017, and the projections will be themed “Paint with light”.

The registered projects will undergo a preliminary selection phase based on a scoring system that evaluates the following criteria: content, creativity, technique, message, visual impact and inclusion of the architectural elements in the video production.


Prizes add up to 9,000 Euro — 1st prize is l,000 Euro, 2nd Prize — 3,000 Euro, and the 3rd prize — 1,000 Euro.

Six finalists will be announced on 1st September 2017. Their completed video creations will be projected within the LightUp Festival Palas Iasi on the 28th of October 2016, and the winners will be designated by the public using an SMS based voting system.

Further details:


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