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4 PhD Scholarships, University of Groningen, Netherlands (2018)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Ιανουάριος 31, 2018

We offer four 4-year scholarships to complete a PhD in Food & Health. Applications are invited from prospective PhD students with a good fit with the research specialisms and expertise of our academic staff. The PhD students will be enrolled in our Graduate School Campus Fryslân (GSCF). Information about Campus Fryslân can be found at:

The PhD students are expected to present results at specialist conferences and co-author articles on the outcomes of their research in international scientific journals. The articles will form the core of the PhD thesis.

During the course of the PhD, the students will develop research and teaching competencies as well as leadership skills. For this, the PhD students will receive a tailor-made programme from the GSCF.

Candidates whose research interests intersect with the projects described below are particularly encouraged to apply:
- nutrition and outcome after bariatric surgery with a focus on weight reductive and body composition and metabolism
- optimizing lifestyle by means of personalized nutrition and exercise to improve recovery after critical illness.
- nutritional interventions to improve treatment and outcome of asthma and COPD exacerbations
- development of diagnostic tools for liver disease and bile acid-related disease of newborns and characterization of the physiological function of uncharacterized infant bile acids in food uptake and energy metabolism.

The ideal prospective PhD student should have the following qualifications:
- master’s degree in life sciences or (bio)medical science
- excellent record of undergraduate and graduate study
- strong motivation to complete a PhD dissertation in four years
- excellent command of spoken and written English.

Further details:
4 PhD Scholarships, University of Groningen, Netherlands (2018)

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