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4 PhD Scholarships, University of Antwerp, Belgium (2019)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Απρίλιος 1, 2019

The Departments of Biology and Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences are seeking to fill 4 full-time (100%) vacancies for Doctoral scholarships in the areas of ecology of plants and micro-organisms, genomics, metabolomics and bio-informatics.

The REGIME SHIFT project
Climate change is making weather patterns in mid-latitude regions, such as Western Europe, more persistent. This leads to longer droughts, but also prolonged periods with excessive rain. No comprehensive study has hitherto investigated the ecological consequences of such changes in the precipitation regime. REGIME SHIFT explores these potential impacts of shifts in the frequency of dry/wet cycles at multiple, connected levels of biological organization. It does so in a new, large-scale platform at UAntwerp in which changes in precipitation and associated temperature changes can be experimentally induced in species-rich grassland ecosystems. The project includes a wide array of research domains, from plants to soil organisms such as bacteria and fungi, and from cellular metabolism and genetic regulation, studied by Next Generation Sequencing and bio-informatics to the study of ecosystem processes. In this interdisciplinary framework, we are looking for four PhD students.

Profile and requirements
- You hold a master degree in Biology, Bio-engineer, Biochemistry or Bio-informatics, in line with the position to which you apply.
- You can submit outstanding academic results.
- You have excellent passive and active English language skills.
- Your academic qualities comply with the requirements stipulated in the university’s policy.
- You are quality-oriented, conscientious, creative and cooperative.

We offer
- a doctoral scholarship for a period of four years;
- a start date that is to be negotiated with the promotor, from March 1 onwards;
- a gross monthly grant ranging from € 2.373,36 - € 2.516,73 (c. € 1900 – 2100 net);
- reimbursement of public transport or a bicycle allowance;
- a dynamic and stimulating work environment.

For more information, please visit the following link:
4 PhD Scholarships, University of Antwerp, Belgium (2019)

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