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Traineeship in Directorate General Microprudential Supervision III of European Central Bank

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Ιούλιος 7, 2020

You will be part of the Directorate General Microprudential Supervision III. We are a team of around 130 staff spread across three divisions responsible for overseeing the supervision of the group of euro area banks known as less significant institutions (LSIs). These are banks which are supervised by their national supervisors – the national competent authorities (NCAs) – under the oversight of the ECB. In addition, the Directorate General is in charge of conducting comprehensive assessments of banks classified as significant institutions (SIs) and directly supervised by the ECB. Banking supervision in Europe is conducted through the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), which comprises the ECB and the NCAs of the participating countries.

Our main tasks include overseeing how NCAs supervise LSIs and benchmarking their supervisory practices against other SSM countries. We also identify risks and vulnerabilities in euro area LSIs, highlight sectors and priority areas for banking supervision and perform stress tests. As well as developing and harmonising supervisory methodologies, we also develop and promote joint supervisory standards for LSI supervision, as well as analysing national sectors and individual institutions, with a particular focus on financial deterioration and crisis cases. In addition, our responsibilities include assessing common procedures for LSIs, such as licence applications, licence withdrawals and notifications of the intention to acquire or increase qualifying holdings in LSIs, and providing feedback to NCAs on risks and their supervisory practices as well as on material decisions and supervisory procedures. We are also in charge of conducting asset quality reviews and stress tests for significant institutions subject to a comprehensive assessment.

The ECB is an inclusive employer and we strive to reflect the diversity of the population we serve. We encourage you to apply, irrespective of your gender, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability or other characteristics.

Your Role
In your role as a trainee, you will be assigned to one of the three divisions or to the Senior Management Office within the Directorate General and you will work with other team members on a wide variety of tasks that contribute to the Division’s ongoing activities. These may include:

helping to assess licence applications, licence withdrawals and acquisitions of or increases in qualifying holdings in LSIs;
contributing to the analysis of the legal and regulatory framework for supervised banks in various jurisdictions and of supervisory practices applied by NCAs;
assisting in developing European banking supervision policy stances (including joint supervisory standards) and methodologies, enhancing NCA supervisory practices for LSIs and drafting related legal acts (e.g. recommendations, guidelines and general instructions);
supporting data collection and analysis of risks and vulnerabilities in the LSI sector, including the development of analytical models;
assisting in the production of reports and risk analyses;
contributing to the asset quality review of European banks by conducting off-site and on-site quality assurance and maintaining and refining the related methodology and analytical tools;
supporting the Directorate General’s senior management on general management matters, such as human resources, budgeting and coordination of horizontal projects;
working independently and as part of a team on projects relating to indirect microprudential supervision.

Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 
Erasmus Placements: 


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