The European Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) is inviting citizens and residents of the European Union (EU), from 18 years old, to share their stories around the theme of free movement and social security coordination.
Participants will have to submit either a video or image, as well as a caption, reflecting the benefits or their experience of free movement and social security coordination such as, but not restricted to:
• Studying, working or retiring in any EU country other than your own;
• Cultural integration;
• Increased diversity;
• Contribution to growth and innovation;
• Decreased labour shortages;
• Access to basic healthcare anywhere in the EU;
• Protection of pensions, unemployment benefits and family benefits anywhere in the EU.
Up to 3 submissions per participant are allowed.
After the deadline, selected entries will be open to public vote for 2 weeks on the EURES Facebook page.
An independent jury will then select five winners from shortlisted participants.
Each of them will be awarded a €500 travel voucher for travel within the EU; attendance at the official award ceremony in Brussels; flights to and accommodation in Brussels for the award ceremony.
For more information, please visit the following link:
Facebook #EUmovers Competition