You will be part of the Directorate General Economics. Our Directorate monitors and analyses the economies of the euro area as a whole, the individual euro area countries and the non-euro area EU Member States. Our output includes articles and studies published in, for example, the ECB’s Economic Bulletin, Annual Report, Occasional Paper Series and Working Paper Series.
In the Euro Area External Sector and Euro Adoption Division we analyse, forecast and conduct studies on trade, the balance of payments, the international investment position and the price and non-price competitiveness of the euro area and of EU Member States. Our Division not only monitors, analyses and forecasts macroeconomic developments in the non-euro area EU Member States and the euro area countries in central and eastern Europe, but also develops tools for these purposes.
The trainees will be expected to focus on one or more of the Division’s competence areas: (1) trade and competitiveness in the euro area; (2) the current and financial account of the euro area; (3) the forecasting and surveillance of non-euro area EU Member States, as well as the five euro countries in central and eastern Europe; and (5) the collection and treatment of data.
The ECB is an inclusive employer and we strive to reflect the diversity of the population we serve. We encourage you to apply, irrespective of your gender, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability or other characteristics.
Your Role
As a trainee you will:
contribute to maintaining and enhancing analytical, econometric and forecasting tools in the field of trade, balance of payments and country analysis;
access public and commercial databases;
process, consolidate and transform datasets, as well as maintaining and developing databases in order to monitor real economic developments, possibly including the use of microeconomic data;
conduct empirical analyses using databases, Excel and econometric software;
contribute to the Economic Bulletin and other regular internal and external publications of the Directorate General Economics in collaboration with other business areas within the ECB, for instance by preparing tables and charts for reports.
Further details:
Traineeships in Economics at European Central Bank