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Playable City Award for Creatives Around the World, 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Απρίλιος 7, 2015

Playable City® puts people and play at the heart of the Future City. A Playable City is a city where people, hospitality and openness are key, enabling its residents and visitors to reconfigure and rewrite its services, places and stories. Creatives from around the world are invited to propose distinctive ideas that put people and play at the heart of the Future City. All over the world governments and tech companies are investing in smart systems for cities, using communication networks and sensors to join up services, collect data and make efficiencies. The Playable City Award asks to imagine how might use these same technologies to make cities more liveable, hopeful and collaborative. The winning proposal will be installed in Bristol, UK for the public to play in autumn 2015.

They are looking for artists, designers, architects, urbanists, interaction designers, technologists and creative practitioners, who can demonstrate a history of delivering high quality, innovative practice. Individuals or teams can apply.

- Award of £30,000;
- A trip to Tokyo in October 2015 to share learning from the Award as part of Watershed and British Council’s Playable City Tokyo programme;
- Practical support in producing the work;
- Connection with the Pervasive Media Studio at Watershed in Bristol;
- Development of touring and future opportunities;
- Documentation of the work.

Further details:


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