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PhD Positions in the field of Cognitive Neuroimaging

Σεπ 21, 2024 02:03

The International Max Planck Research School on Cognitive NeuroImaging invites excellent students holding a master's degree (or equivalent) to pursue a PhD in the field of Cognitive Neuroimaging. The IMPRS on Cognitive NeuroImaging covers the highly interdisciplinary and fast-paced fields of cognitive neuroscience, clinical and translational neuroscience, and neuroimaging.

Fully funded PhD positions at Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials

Σεπ 21, 2024 02:00

The Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials (MPGC-QM) currently has an open call for multiple fully funded PhD student positions. Deadline for submission of your application is December 11th 2024!

Six Max Planck Institutes (Dresden, Erlangen, Hamburg, Halle and Stuttgart) - all of them world-leading institutions in their respective fields - bring together their expertise in the research on quantum materials and thus offer a truly unique graduate program in this intriguing research area.

Two Doctoral Researchers in experimental and/or computational magnetic resonance

Σεπ 21, 2024 01:55

The NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Research Unit at the Faculty of Science is an internationally established, combined experimental and theoretical team of about 30 people, of which 50% with a PhD degree. We develop experimental, theoretical, and computational research methods based on magnetic resonance phenomena and apply those methods to topical problems in molecular and materials sciences. Our strength is in the tight connection between state-of-the-art measurements and calculations.

20 θέσεις εργασίας σε Διεθνείς Οργανισμούς στο Εξωτερικό (20-09-2024)

Σεπ 20, 2024 14:57
Πτυχίο Πανεπιστημίου (1 θέση)
Senior Supply Assistant, Sofia, Bulgaria
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


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