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Postdoc Positions in FLOW – Protein Quality for Health

Αυγ 02, 2024 18:03

FLOW aims to uncover the molecular principles of how the cellular protein quality-control network modulates the fate of proteins from cradle to grave. Molecular chaperones and the degradation machinery determine the fate of proteins, and failure to do so leads to diseases as divergent as neurodegeneration or cystic fibrosis. The FLOW consortium, a unique and highly interdisciplinary team, aims to discover, rebuild and control the triaging of protein fate. We do this by combining biochemical, biophysical, cell biological, computational, and genetic methods, from single molecule to cell.

PhD Positions in FLOW – Protein Quality for Health

Αυγ 02, 2024 18:01

FLOW aims to uncover the molecular principles of how the cellular protein quality-control network modulates the fate of proteins from cradle to grave. Molecular chaperones and the degradation machinery determine the fate of proteins, and failure to do so leads to diseases as divergent as neurodegeneration or cystic fibrosis. The FLOW consortium, a unique and highly interdisciplinary team, aims to discover, rebuild and control the triaging of protein fate. We do this by combining biochemical, biophysical, cell biological, computational, and genetic methods, from single molecule to cell.

EngD Position at University of Twente

Αυγ 02, 2024 17:57

The Haringvliet Estuary in the western part of the Netherlands was closed off in 1970 by a series of locks as part of the Delta Works for coastal protection. After the closure, the Haringliet became a freshwater body and was used as a source of freshwater for consumption and agriculture. Since 2018, the operating policy of the Haringvliet locks has changed and some locks are opened not only to discharge the river to the sea but also to allow limited inflows from the sea during flood tides to enhance the ecosystem functions of the estuary.


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