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Masters Excellence Scholarships for UK & EU Students, Cardiff University, UK (2015 - 2016)

Φεβ 01, 2015 13:34

Cardiff University is offering masters excellence scholarships to start an eligible master’s programme in September 2015. Applicants should normally have a first class or upper second classification undergraduate degree from a UK University, or an equivalent award from a recognised higher education institution elsewhere. The Taught Masters Excellence Scholarships are available for a maximum of one academic year for full-time programmes, while for part-time students, the discount is applied across the duration of their programme.

Science Without Borders Program for Young Talent Researchers, Brazil (2015)

Φεβ 01, 2015 13:27

Applications are invited for Science Without Borders Program available for Young Talent researchers to perform a two to three year-long research project in Brazil. Up to 100 scholarships will be awarded to cover the period of 12 to 36 months. Scholarships are awarded to researchers who have a highlighted scientific and technology production within the areas of interest to the Science Without Borders.

100 Master Scholarships, Queen’s University Belfast, UK (2015 - 2016)

Φεβ 01, 2015 12:16

Queen’s University Belfast is inviting applications for international postgraduate scholarships. Up to 100 scholarships are now available to talented fee-paying international students who will be starting a Masters degree in September 2015. Each scholarship is worth £2,000 for Humanities and Social Sciences, £3,000 for Science and Engineering and £3,000 for Management School Masters programmes.

Master Scholarships, University of Kent at Paris, France (2015 - 2016)

Φεβ 01, 2015 12:06

If you would like to study in University of Kent at Paris, France and pursue Full Time MA Program in Architecture & Urban Design, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Eighteenth Century Studies, English and American Literature, European Theatre & Dramaturgy, Film Studies, French and Comparative Literature, History and Philosophy of Art, Modern French Studies, Modern History, Post-colonial Studies, Religion you can avail University of Kent at Paris Scholarship which is being offered by University of Kent at Paris.


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