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Undergraduate Scholarships in Engineering, IT & Multimedia Design, University of Queensland, Australia (2016-2017)

Δεκ 22, 2015 13:14

If you would like to study in University of Queensland, Australia and pursue Full Time Undergraduate Program in Engineering (Honours), IT and Multimedia Design you can avail International Scholarships which is being offered by the University of Queensland.

This is a Undergraduate Program Merit Based Scholarship and Students are eligible from International Students to apply for the same.

One (1) Postdoctoral & Two (2) PhD Positions in Autonomous Systems & Control, Mälardalen University, Sweden (2016)

Δεκ 22, 2015 13:01

The research profile Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and Control (DPAC) at MDH is recruiting new staff for research in engineering of dependable embedded systems. DPAC is hosted in the internationally leading Embedded Systems environment with over 150 researchers working in industrially relevant research-projects.

We are now recruiting one senior lecturer, one postdoc researcher and two phd students. Positions closes Feb 1, 2016. Read the ads in full at

PhD Scholarships in Psychology, Bangor University, UK (2016)

Δεκ 22, 2015 12:56

Please follow the links in the list below in order to find out more about the variety of Psychology PhD opportunities Bangor is now offering. All these opportunities are fully funded and offer the right candidates an excellent opportunity to be part of internationally renowned research activity.

Eleven (11) PhD Positions for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network BioSmartTrainee, Europe (2016)

Δεκ 22, 2015 12:44

The BioSmartTrainee as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Networks (ITN-ETN) funded in HORIZON 2020 is recruiting 11 Early stage Researchers (ESRs) for research positions in the frame of a PhD doctoral programme, targeting a PhD degree. Applicants are encouraged to apply for any one of the 11 positions. Applicants shall meet the Marie Curie ITN eligible rules.



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