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31/08-02/09/2016 - The 1st International Workshop: “Social collaboration in trusted, user-driven software development” (Austria)

Μάιος 04, 2016 11:16

The CloudTeams H2020 project organises the 1st International Workshop on “Social collaboration in trusted, user-driven software development” to be held during the ARES 2016 conference. Topics include approaches towards addressing and involving unknown customers in the software development process, Experiences with end-user participation in cloud based software development processes, Privacy and anonymization techniques in acquiring users feedback, etc.

14/05/2016 - Top Developers Conference: "Infobip Dev Days" (Croatia)

Μάιος 04, 2016 09:24

The rationale for Continuous Delivery, the art of managing Docker, architecture methodology and the philosophy that lies behind the traffic of 300 million SMS messages a day, developing of an API management service, Distributed React – learn and share your knowledge with respected dev masters, authors, and lecturers!

22/08-02/09/2016 - C-Cascades Summer School "Land to Ocean Aquatic Carbon cycle" (France)

Μάιος 03, 2016 14:24

The main objective of the C-CASCADES Summer School is to achieve a better quantitative understanding of carbon transformations and fluxes during lateral transfer between land and ocean. It will provide PhD students with a broad foundation in carbon cycle science and its application.

It will take place between 22/08-02/09/2016 in Peyresq (France).

25-16/05/2016 - Training Course: "Response to the auditing activity of the European Commission in FP7 and in Horizon 2020"(Milan)

Μάιος 03, 2016 14:17

This course will provide participants with the preparation necessary to deal with the control activities carried out by the European Commission and by firms in charge of certification of financial statements, in accordance with the EU regulatory framework and with international auditing procedures.


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