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Stanford University Fellowships Program

Δεκ 26, 2016 13:09

If you would like to study in Stanford University, United States and pursue Full Time Research Program in Democracy, Development, Evaluating the efficacy of democracy promotion and rule of law you can avail Stanford University Fellowships Program which is being offered by the Stanford University.

This is a Research Program Merit Based scholarship and students are eligible from International Students to apply for the same.

Only Few such award is being offered and the deadline for application is 13-Jan-17.

60 DBU-Doctoral Scholarships for Study in German Universities

Δεκ 26, 2016 11:21

If you would like to study in German Universities, Germany and pursue Full Time Doctoral Program in Environmental Protection you can avail 60 DBU-Doctoral Scholarships which is being offered by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).

This is a Doctoral Program Merit Based scholarship and students are eligible from National & International Students to apply for the same. Only 60 such awards are being offered and the deadline for application is 15-Jan-17.

4 AACR Basic Cancer Research Fellowships Program for Study in Universities of United States

Δεκ 26, 2016 11:17

If you would like to study in Universities of United States, United States and pursue Full Time Research Program in any area of Basic Cancer Research you can avail AACR Basic Cancer Research Fellowships Program which is being offered by the AACR.

This is a Research Program Merit Based scholarship and students are eligible from International Students to apply for the same. Only 4 such awards are being offered and the deadline for application is 18-Jan-17.

Theodor Heuss Research Fellowships Program for Study in University of Germany

Δεκ 26, 2016 10:47

If you would like to study in University of Germany, Germany and pursue Full Time Research Program in any Subject you can avail Theodor Heuss Research Fellowships Program which is being offered by the University of Oxford.

This is a Research Program Merit Based scholarship and students are eligible from Home/EU and International Students to apply for the same. Only 1 such awards are being offered and the deadline for application is 3-Feb-17.


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