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9 Postdoctoral Research Fellows at Tampere Institute for Advance Study

Μαρ 29, 2021 23:07

The Tampere Institute for Advanced Study calls for applications for nine (9) two-year fixed-term positions of Postdoctoral Research Fellows.

The Fellowships will start either on 1 August 2021 or as agreed.

PhD Scholarships in Linguistics, Graduate School for the Humanities

Μαρ 29, 2021 22:39

Description of the PhD trajectories:

The successful applicants are committed to conducting independent and original scientific research, to report on this research in international publications and presentations, and to present the final results of the research in a PhD dissertation. The PhD students participate in local, national and international training activities, including summer schools and conferences, to maximally develop their potential.

PDEng trainee – Energy flexibility from buildings by using comfort strategies

Μαρ 29, 2021 22:34

The Smart Buildings & Cities (SBC) PDEng program wants to contribute to the transition towards smart, intelligent and sustainable cities where quality of life is high. This transition requires new solutions which can only be created through multiscale and transdisciplinary (design) approaches. This requires technical designers who are able to work in a multidisciplinary environment and know how to communicate with different disciplines and stake holders. This PDEng program educates trainees to become those technical designers!

PhD scholarships Groningen Graduate School of Law

Μαρ 29, 2021 22:32

The Groningen Graduate School of Law offers 6 PhD scholarships at which you will be working within an inspiring research environment at one of the faculty's research programmes.

During a four-year PhD trajectory your focus as a PhD student is to conduct supervised scientific research. You are working on a self-developed research proposal that will result in a PhD thesis.

The GGSL offers a training programme to support that research and your personal development. You will receive a PhD training fund to participate in (international) conferences and workshops and seminars.


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