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PhD positions in Economics and Business

Ιαν 27, 2025 22:02

The Faculty of Economics and Business offers an inspiring study and working environment for students and employees. International accreditation enables the Faculty to assess performance against the highest international standards. It also creates an exciting environment of continuous improvement. FEB's programs, academic staff and research do well on various excellence ranking lists.

The graduate school of Economics & Business has available:
9 PhD positions in Economics and Business

PhD positions in Neurolinguistics

Ιαν 27, 2025 21:57

University of Groningen offerσ two 4-year PhD positions in Neurolinguistics to work on a project regarding language testing in awake brain surgery (see The PhD project, below). The two PhD candidates will be supervised by Dr. Adrià Rofes (daily advisor), Prof. Dr. Roel Jonkers (promotor), and Prof. Dr. Thomas Picht (co-advisor). The PhD candidates will spend the first three years at the Image Guidance Lab of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany) and one year at the laboratory of Dr. Adrià Rofes at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands).

PhD Positions in Life Sciences at European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Ιαν 27, 2025 11:39

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) invites you to apply for PhD positions in Heidelberg, Barcelona, Grenoble, Hamburg, Hinxton (near Cambridge) and Rome. The EMBL International PhD Programme (EIPP) provides comprehensive interdisciplinary training, maintaining a careful balance between theory and practice, close mentoring and creative freedom, collaborative teamwork and independence. These key characteristics make EIPP a role model, which has inspired similar programmes at research institutions throughout Europe and the World.


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