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2 Clinical Research Fellows at University of Leeds

Ιαν 14, 2021 18:29

A team of clinical academics, working within the Leeds Cancer Centre (Prof Geoff Hall, Prof Andy Scarsbrook and Dr Nic Orsi) and with colleagues from the School of Computing at the University of Leeds, have established a 4-5 year programme to apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop a deeper understanding of ovarian cancer.

A major component of this this funding will support the training of clinical trainees who wish to develop expertise in these exciting new approaches to the analysis of healthcare data.

2 PhD Research Positions at KU Leuven

Ιαν 14, 2021 18:11

The Light&Lighting Laboratory of the KU Leuven has two fully funded PhD positions available for research on the visual perception of light and color in virtual reality. Funding is available for 4 years through a research grant of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO). KU Leuven is a highly international university that ranks among the best in the world in terms of research and innovation.

Two PhD positions in the Department of Biology at Utrecht University

Ιαν 14, 2021 17:59

A consortium of the Developmental Biology and Cell Biology groups of the Department of Biology, in collaboration with the Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics group of the Department of Chemistry at Utrecht University and the Institute of Marine Research (IMR, Bergen, Norway), is looking for two enthusiastic scholars wanting to do a PhD on the NWO-domain Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES)-financed project “Induced sterility in farmed salmon - a sustainable approach to improve welfare and performance” (project leader Jan Bogerd).

12 Phd Fellowships in the INTERCEPT-MDS network

Ιαν 14, 2021 17:26

The INTERCEPT-MDS network will train Europe’s first experts in the novel field of disease interception. Through an international call and open recruitment procedure, we will recruit 12 PhD candidates to carry out specific projects under the supervision of a Principal Investigator within one of the 10 world-leading European host institutions from the network.


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