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Two doctoral students in ecosystem gas exchange of COS and CO2

Ιαν 07, 2021 22:05

The Grassland Sciences group is a vibrant and international working group at the Department of Environmental Systems Science. We are looking for two reliable, enthusiastic and highly motivated students with a passion for science to join our team. Our research focuses on process- and system-understanding of the biosphere-atmosphere greenhouse gas exchange and its drivers in forests and agroecosystems.

Doctoral Students at University of Helsinki

Ιαν 07, 2021 22:02

As part of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, FIMM in collaboration with the Doctoral School in Health Sciences (DSHealth) and HIIT is seeking outstanding candidates for positions of Doctoral Students in Molecular Medicine, Molecular Bioscience, Neuroscience, Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence starting in August 2021

IMCBio PhD program

Ιαν 07, 2021 21:57

The IMCBio graduate school from the University of Strasbourg is recruiting 13 PhD students through its international PhD program.

This program, funded by the French National Research Agency provides PhD students with a 3-year doctoral contract, a high level interdisciplinary, as well as international training sessions and possibilities to travel abroad to learn new techniques.

15 PhD Positions in ''Mobility and Training for Beyond 5G Ecosystems (MOTOR5G)''

Ιαν 07, 2021 21:52

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time fixed-term positions (36 months) as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR). The Ph.D. positions are funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, (No. 861219) and are expected to start in November 2020.


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