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6 Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Δεκ 22, 2020 22:51

The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) has published the call for BCAM Severo Ochoa Joint Postdoctoral Program.

The call offers up to 6 Postdoctoral Fellow positions in the following areas:

Doctoral Students at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies

Δεκ 22, 2020 22:48

The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien is an independent social-science research institute based in Hamburg. It analyses political, social and economic developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, and links this knowledge to questions of global significance. It combines region-specific analysis with innovative comparative research on accountability and participation, globalisation and development, peace and security, and global order and foreign policies.

4 PhD and Postdoctoral fellows within meta-omics analysis of microbial communities

Δεκ 22, 2020 22:32

The four vacant positions are funded by Novo Nordisk Fonden, the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and the ERA-Net BlueBio Cofund, and are part of a collaboration between several research groups at the Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) and Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (KBM).

15 PhD Positions at University Medical Centre Groningen

Δεκ 22, 2020 22:26

As a PhD student in EndoConnect you will be part of an international team of young researchers. You will have your individual research project at one of the 12 host organisations located in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Spain or Finland, focusing on your discipline of interest. To broaden your specialized training, you will undertake internships at complementary EndoConnect partner organization. In addition, you will follow advanced interdisciplinary courses by leaders in the field of molecular and cell biology, metabolism, physiology and biomedical research.


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