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Traineeship in International Macroeconomics and International Finance at European Central Bank

Δεκ 14, 2020 19:47

You will be part of the Directorate General International and European Relations, which has 120 staff members and prepares policy positions of the ECB, the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks on international and European issues (except for positions on the macroeconomic policies of the euro area or European Union (EU) countries).

PhD positions in Energy Technology – Energy efficiency in buildings

Δεκ 14, 2020 18:49

Umeå University is recruiting up to three PhD students in Energy Technology with specialization in Energy Efficiency in Buildings.

15 PhD Positions in the MSCA Innovative Training Network “HORATES: Hybrid and ORgAnic ThermoElectric Systems”

Δεκ 14, 2020 18:39

The European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network HORATES (MSCA ITN Horates Grant Agreement n. 955837) brings together 8 academic institutions, including universities and research centers, and 5 companies, from 6 EU countries. The network is supported by 5 more partners, including 2 companies.

8 PhD positions at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute

Δεκ 14, 2020 17:41

The Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of the University of Groningen invites applications for 8 PhD positions:

• One position in the group of Dr Betsey Adams (ASTRON/Kapteyn) to study the neutral hydrogen content of dwarf galaxies using APERTIF-survey data.

• One position in the group of Prof. Erwin de Blok (ASTRON/Kapteyn) to study neutral-hydrogen data of nearby galaxies from the MeerKAT radio telescope.

• One position in the group of Prof. Inga Kamp to work with JWST mid-IR spectra from planet-forming disks using thermo-chemical models.


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