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5 PhD Positions at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Οκτ 08, 2020 22:44

The call offers up to 5 PhD Student positions at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM:

4 PhD positions with regard to the "Severo Ochoa" accreditation in the following areas: Core in Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulations, Computational Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics.
1 PhD position with regard to "Real-time Inversion Using Deeo Learning Methods" research project led by David Pardo and Vincenzo Nava.

Two PhD Researchers at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

Οκτ 08, 2020 22:39

The Humanities Cluster of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is a collaboration between three research institutes: the Huygens Institute for Dutch History, the International Institute for Social History (IISH) and the Meertens Institute for Dutch Language and Culture. The institutes are committed to groundbreaking research in the humanities, in which innovative (digital) methods play an important role.

Two PhD positions in Experimental Mineral Physics

Οκτ 08, 2020 22:37

The Experimental Mineral Physics group at the Department of Earth Sciences applies a high-​pressure and high-​temperature experimental approach mainly using a laser-​heated diamond anvil cell technique to reproduce the deep Earth's condition in the laboratory. With this method, the group is trying to clarify the issues including the determination of density, crystal structure, elasticity and chemistry of the deep Earth's materials to understand the mineralogical model and evolution of the Earth's deep interior.

Doctoral students in simulations and experiments with complex fluids

Οκτ 08, 2020 22:14

To design cost-and resource-efficient yet safe processes, we need a better understanding of the flow of the materials that are processed, It is crucial to characterize yield-stress materials, also in the presence of additives. Within the EU project YIELDGAP, we are looking for 3 PhD students to study viscoplastic and elastoviscoplastic fluids.


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