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Pilecki Fellowships in Poland

Φεβ 01, 2020 14:17

The Pilecki Institute examines 20th-century history with a special focus on totalitarian ideologies and their implementation in Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries. The Institute’s mission is to reinvigorate international scholarly discussion on the German and Soviet occupation of Central and Eastern Europe by initiating interdisciplinary and comparative research projects and scholarship, and by offering grant programs aimed at early-stage, junior, and senior scholars.

2 PhD Students in the field of Contemporary History at University of Luxembourg

Φεβ 01, 2020 10:20

The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research university.

The University of Luxembourg invites applications for the following vacancy in its IC Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH):

Doctoral candidates (PhD students) in the field of Contemporary History

Further details:
2 PhD Students in the field of Contemporary History at University of Luxembourg

Two PhD positions in Ethics/Practical Philosophy at Utrecht University

Φεβ 01, 2020 10:08

The positions are part of the research project The Enemy of the Good. Towards a Theory of Moral Progress (PI: Hanno Sauer) funded by the European Research Commission (ERC Starting Grant 851043, PROGRESS). Successful candidates will be part of the Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies and the Ethics Institute.

2 PhD positions in the research programme ‘The Business Corporation as a Political Actor’ at Utrecht University

Ιαν 31, 2020 23:18

Companies are regulated by politics, but they also shape the political arena themselves, whenever they influence politicians and political parties. Moreover, companies fulfill public functions such as providing public goods, regulating their own business activities, or addressing societal problems, like environmental harms. Can this mix of private activity and public responsibility be legitimate, in a democratic society? Aren't corporations given too much political power? Are multinationals different in this respect from other companies?


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