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PhD positions in Engineering and Mathematics

Οκτ 01, 2020 22:03

The International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering (IMPRS ProEng) is a graduate school jointly run by the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems (MPI) and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU). In our ↪structured PhD program, talented junior scientists have the opportunity to obtain a doctorate under excellent research conditions, a multidisciplinary environment and close scientific supervision.

14 Phd Positions in Research Training Group "Template-Designed Organic Electronics - TIDE“

Οκτ 01, 2020 21:50

The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most research-intensive universities in Germany, offering a wide range of subjects. With its six faculties and its interfaculty centres, it offers a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and internationally outstanding profile areas, supported by the administration with its services.

PhD positions in Marketing

Οκτ 01, 2020 21:17

Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of management and business research.

Doctoral positions and DAAD scholarships available in the Doctoral Programme of the Graduate School Life Science Munich

Οκτ 01, 2020 21:13

The Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM) offers an international doctoral programme to motivated and academically qualified next generation researchers at one of Europe’s top Universities. LSM members are internationally recognized for their innovative research approaches and technologies, they are aiming to answer essential questions relevant to basic and applied biological and biochemical research. Within their own research group or in collaboration with a specialized research group on campus, LSM doctorates are given the opportunity to learn and command a variety of techniques.


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