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UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Postdoctoral fellow positions at Penn Epigenetics Institute and the Institute for Immunology

Σεπ 21, 2020 22:48

Postdoctoral fellow positions at Penn Epigenetics Institute and the Institute for Immunology: Philadelphia, PA, United States

Postdoctoral positions funded by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative award for computational biologists are available at the University of Pennsylvania in laboratories of Drs. Vahedi and Henao-Mejia.

PDENG on high-speed error correcting codes and signal shaping

Σεπ 21, 2020 20:54

Fibre optics are critical infrastructure for society because they carry nearly all the global Internet traffic. Over the last years, we have seen an explosive increase of data rates in fibre optics. For instance, in the short-haul domain, the traffic between data centers experienced a 400% growth from 2016 to 2021. This growth is a challenge not only to the technology demands but also to energy consumption. A single state-of-the-art optical transponder can reach a total power consumption of 700W.

PDEng Trainee at Eindhoven University of Technology

Σεπ 21, 2020 20:53

The SBC PDEng program wants to contribute to the transition towards smart, intelligent and sustainable cities where quality of life is high. This transition requires new solutions which can only be created through multiscale and transdisciplinary (design) approaches. This requires technical designers who are able to work in a multidisciplinary environment and know how to communicate with different disciplines and stake holders. This PDEng program educates trainees to become those technical designers!


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