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Άλλη Εκδήλωση

16-18/08/2016 - 5th International Lung Cancer Seminar (Tinos)

Αυγ 12, 2016 09:53

The 5th International Lung Cancer Seminar will be held in Tinos Island, Cyclades, on 16 – 18 September 2016.

The rapid developments in molecular biology, diagnosis, staging and treatments in the field of Lung Cancer require continuous education. The target of this Seminar is to present all major progresses in Lung Cancer on a Multidisciplinary basis.

The participation to the 5th International Lung Cancer Seminar is free of charge.

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5th International Lung Cancer Seminar (Tinos)

15/09/2016 - International Workshop on New Return Migration (Romania)

Αυγ 09, 2016 07:36

The workshop will take place at the Faculty for Political, Communication and Administrative Sciences, Babeș Bolyai University. In this workshop the aim is to discuss research, compare, and theorize the social, economic and political changes produced by new return migration from Europe in societies of origin. Another aim is unfolding returnees maintenance of social ties and forms of social capital between societies of origin and destination.

07-09/12/2016 - DEEPEN project workshop (Ireland)

Αυγ 08, 2016 12:35

The EU-funded DEEPEN project will hold a workshop and conference in Cork, Ireland, from 7 to 9 December 2016.

This workshop will run for three days, with the objective of bringing together leading experts in the field of theory of group IV, III-V and wider semiconductors together with post doctorates and students who will benefit from an introduction to a very vast field at this influential point in their careers.

A training day for PhD students and early career researchers will be held on day 1, followed by 2 days of contributed, poster and invited presentations.

15-23/10/2016 - Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα Προγραμματισμού 2016

Αυγ 05, 2016 10:30

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα Προγραμματισμού, η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί από 15 έως και 23 Οκτωβρίου 2016, είναι ένα κίνημα βάσης το οποίο προωθεί την δημιουργικότητα μέσω του προγραμματισμού. Η πρωτοβουλία αυτή ξεκίνησε το 2013 από εθελοντές οι οποίοι ως Πρεσβευτές της δράσης την προωθούν και τη συντονίζουν στις χώρες τους.


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