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PhD positions in Seismology and Applied Geophysics ay ETH Zurich

Αυγ 27, 2020 20:09

In the framework of the large-scale projects at the Bedretto Lab. ETH Zurich currently has several openings for PhD positions.

Phd Project 1:
Seismic velocity changes as indicators of stress changes

PhD Project 2:
Variability of petrophysical properties during reservoir stimulation and their effect on elastic wave propagation - from laboratory to field scale

PhD Project 3:
Fracture characterization using borehole radar and seismic data

2 PhD positions on synthesis/multiscale modelling of 3-d electrocatalysts for biomass upgrading

Αυγ 27, 2020 19:57

In your role as PhD candidate, you will advance the development of porous 3-d electrocatalysts for the upgrading of renewable feedstocks (biomass). Electrocatalysts enable the use of renewable electricity to drive chemical reactions and thus allow a truly sustainable production of chemicals and materials from renewable feedstocks. A major challenge in the development of electrocatalysts for biomass upgrading, however, is the large size and structure of the bio-based molecules. This leads to complex transport and diffusion within the porous electrocatalysts.

PDEng the Eindhoven Engine Innovation Project Proposal SMART TWO PLUS

Αυγ 27, 2020 19:55

The PDEng student will build on the results of earlier KPN-TU/e joint research projects. Diversity techniques for the optical links as well as the mm-wave links will be explored, to facilitate user mobility and to maximize system connectivity, counteracting the impact of possible wireless path obstructions. The optical downstream link needs line-of-sight, and mm-wave channel sounding is required to detect and map obstructions in the wireless path.

Τwo Post-docs to work in the EuroHPC project “SparCity”

Αυγ 27, 2020 17:26

Simula Research Laboratory is one of the main partners of the newly funded EuroHPC project “SparCity”. Two post-docs are to be recruited to carry out research activities of this project on the Simula side.


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