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Research Scientist and Post-doc in High-Performance Computing

Αυγ 27, 2020 17:24

Simula Research Laboratory invites outstanding applicants for a two-year research scientist position and a two-year post-doc position, who can contribute to strengthening Simula’s existing HPC research activities and/or developing new research directions that are in line with the HPC department's overall objective. These two new positions are part of Simula’s strategic initiative for further boosting HPC research.

The starting date of both positions is January 1, 2021.

PhD or Post-doctoral Researchers in Systems- and Cognitive Neuroscience

Αυγ 27, 2020 14:48

Neuroscience Center in the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HILIFE) is an independent research organization. Research in Neuroscience Center spans scales from molecular and cellular neuroscience to developmental, cognitive, and systems neuroscience.

The Palva group has a longstanding interest in the comprehensive understanding of systems-level neuronal basis of cognition. Specifically, the research is centered in resolving large-scale architecture of oscillatory brain dynamics and its functional significance in cognition and behavior in humans and recently also in mice models.

Two PhD projects on Computation Offloading for Distributed Sensor Applications

Αυγ 27, 2020 14:12

In this work Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is specifically looking for two graduate researchers, who will start PhD-candidate positions in this project:


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

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