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Application for the 2021-2022 Fellowship at Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

Αυγ 11, 2020 21:31

Radcliffe fellows are exceptional scientists, writers, scholars, public intellectuals, practitioners, and artists whose work is making a difference in their professional fields and in the larger world.

3 PhD positions in the field of virology at University Medical Center Freiburg

Αυγ 11, 2020 21:25

Three doctoral positions funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) are now available in the laboratory of Prof. Martin Schwemmle at the Institute of Virology, University Medical Center, Freiburg (Germany).

Selected candidates will become members of the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM), which offers a structured, international and multidisciplinary doctoral program.

2-4 Postdoctoral Research Fellows In The Centre Of Excellence, GameCulture Studies

Αυγ 11, 2020 21:19

The Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies (CoE GameCult) is a leading centre in the study of games, play and game cultures (see: As a joint initiative of Tampere University, University of Turku and University of Jyväskylä, it brings together over 40 researchers from the humanities, social sciences and technical sciences, who are jointly engaged in the inquiry of game cultures.

3 Doctoral Researchers at Tampere University

Αυγ 11, 2020 21:14

Tampere University is looking for Doctoral Researchers for the Doctoral Programme of Administrative Sciences, Business Studies and Politics.

ob description

Doctoral researchers enrolled in the Doctoral Programme of Administrative Sciences, Business Studies and Politics at the Faculty of Management and Business of the Tampere University pursue a doctoral degree.
Tasks include finishing up doctoral thesis and participating in teaching activities and other defined tasks.


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