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2 PhD students at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Ιουλ 28, 2020 00:12

The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, is offering two fully-funded PhD student positions in comparative bioacoustics/seal pup vocal development/evolution of speech/music cognition within the newly established Comparative Bioacoustics Group. The host research group, led by Dr. Andrea Ravignani, investigates the evolutionary bases of speech and music, mostly performing (non-invasive) cross-species behavioral research in seals, humans, and other mammals. The group has an international spirit and is open to diverse perspectives and approaches.

20 PhD Student Positions at i2TRON Program

Ιουλ 27, 2020 18:47

i2TRON is a highly innovative PhD training programon “integrating immune strategies for Translational Research in Oncology and Neurology” and is supported by theLuxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) within their PRIDE program.

Training Course «Sounding Minds, Sounding hearts» in Madeira

Ιουλ 27, 2020 12:41

‘Sounding Minds Sounding Hearts’ is a dynamic 6-day training course taking place from 22-27 September 2020 (including arrival and departure days) aiming to increase the skills and competences of Youth Workers to better support young people with mental health challenges. This training will be facilitated by qualified mental health professionals. Youth workers face many difficulties when they come across youngsters facing mental health challenges.


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


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