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CeMM International Postdoc Program

Ιουν 30, 2020 15:29

CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine is recruiting a group of postdocs who are eager to pursue groundbreaking biomedical research, and we will help them to establish themselves as future scientific leaders. This postdoc program is designed to prepare postdoctoral researchers for a successful ERC Starting Grant application and for an independent research career in top research organizations in Europe and around the world.

DAAD Research Grants Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Ιουν 30, 2020 12:42

The aim of this grant programme is to support doctoral projects in Germany.

Traineeships at the European Medicines Agency

Ιουν 30, 2020 11:06

The European Medicines Agency organises traineeships for university graduates in its headquarters in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The programme aims to give trainees an understanding of the Agency and its role within the activities of the European Union. It also enables them to acquire practical knowledge in one of the EMA's Units and to obtain professional experience in the course of their work.

The training period lasts for ten months.
There is one annual traineeship intake starting on 1 October each year and ending on 31 July.

Internships at the European Council on Refugees and Exiles

Ιουν 30, 2020 10:58

The European Council on Refugees & Exiles (ECRE) is a pan-European network of refugee-assisting non-governmental organisations. ECRE is concerned with the needs of all individuals who seek refuge and protection within Europe. The aim is to promote the protection and integration of refugees in Europe based on the values of human dignity, human rights, and an ethic of solidarity.


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