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12 PhD Positions at Joint European Doctorate (EJD) Training Network - GreenTRIBOS

Μαρ 20, 2020 21:52

The world is warming and the weather is becoming increasingly unstable and extreme, and whether we like it or not, the overwhelming scientific consensus is that mankind’s use of fossil fuels is a key component in this climate change. Friction, wear and lubrication are major players in the consumption of energy, and so reducing friction and wear and using green lubrication is the most direct route to reducing energy consumption and pollution and so contributing

PhD Studentships Engineering And Physical Sciences Thematic at University of Nottingham

Μαρ 20, 2020 21:43

Applications are now open for up to 12 PhD studentships at the University of Nottingham, tackling engineering and physical sciences challenges.

Starting in October 2020, these four-year studentships are offered through cohort-based doctoral training programmes. This means that you will study alongside other PhD students and receive tailored training and support.

Successful applicants will receive a stipend (£15,285 per year for 2020/21) for up to four years. Funding will also cover your full tuition fees and a Research Training Support Grant.

EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowships 2020

Μαρ 20, 2020 21:38

The University of Bristol invites applications from outstanding PhD researchers for the University of Bristol EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowships, which are available to both internal and external candidates.

Applicants must have submitted their PhD thesis by the application deadline, and must have been a recipient of EPSRC PhD studentship support (a stipend and/or fee award) during their PhD.

Two PhD Positions in Critical Humanities Approaches to Platform Society at Radboud University

Μαρ 20, 2020 21:34

As a PhD candidate you will be responsible for one of the three subprojects within the ERC-funded project "Platform Discourses: A Critical Humanities Approach to the Texts, Images, and Moving Images of Tech Companies". This project studies how companies like Google, Facebook, and Airbnb increasingly position their for-profit online platforms as neutral spaces for social exchange, while addressing their users as "digital citizens".


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