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PhD Positions in Strategy & Entrepreneurship Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM) at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Μαρ 19, 2020 22:25

Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of management and business research.

ERIM distinguishes five areas of research in management and offers fully funded PhD research projects in the following fields: Business Processes, Logistics and Information Systems (LIS), Organisation (ORG), Marketing (MKT), Finance & Accounting (F&A), and Strategy & Entrepreneurship (S&E).

2 PhD Positions in the cognitive neuroscience of proactive visual working memory at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Μαρ 19, 2020 22:10

Two PhD positions are available within an exciting ERC-funded project on “Preparing memories for action: how visual working memories are sculpted by their anticipated use”, headed by Principal Investigator Freek van Ede. Successful candidates will be at the forefront of a promising new research group at the Institute for Brain and Behavior Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Positions will be for 4 years, and are fully funded. Intended starting date is 1 Sept 2020 (with some flexibility).

4 PhD Scholarships at University of Groningen

Μαρ 19, 2020 22:00

As a PhD scholarship student, you will develop your own research project in consultation with the associated supervisor(s). You will conduct independent and original scientific research, report results via peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, and ultimately a PhD thesis. The PhD thesis has to be completed within four years. Being part of a cutting-edge research programme, you will receive training in the form of hands-on instruction, advanced courses, summer/winter schools, as well as complementary workshops on generic research and transferable skills.

Ιnternship in machine learning for smart water alerts at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

Μαρ 19, 2020 21:21

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) has an open position in the “Intelligent and Autonomous Systems” research group for a talented candidate.


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