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PhD Positions in Strategic Management, Information Management, Supply Chain Management at Tilburg University

Μαρ 14, 2020 21:39

The Department of Management at Tilburg University seeks to fill up positions for its direct PhD program in the field of Strategic Management, Information Management, and Supply Chain Management. These positions are fully funded for a period of 4 years, with no tuition fees to be paid.

Further details:
PhD Positions in Strategic Management, Information Management, Supply Chain Management at Tilburg University

2 PhD Candidates in a project on informality and health care in post-Soviet spaces at Maastricht University

Μαρ 14, 2020 19:20

The two PhD projects will focus on 1) pharmaceutical market and 2) private healthcare provision. Both projects will concern accessibility of quality medicines and health care to patients and accessibility of the Russian market to pharmaceutical companies and healthcare organizations. PhD candidates will trace the multitude of (informal) ways actors use to navigate this uncertain terrain. What kinds of market mechanisms have been created to enable work in this environment with its changing and often unspoken rules and ways of doing things?

Post-Doctoral Fellow Positions in Surgical Robotics at University of Twente

Μαρ 14, 2020 13:59

The Surgical Robotics Laboratory ( in the Department of Biomechanical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering Technology) at the University of Twente, The Netherlands has several openings for a Post-doctoral fellows within the research area of soft continuum robotics and micro-/nano-robotics.

Further details:
Post-Doctoral Fellow Positions in Surgical Robotics at University of Twente

PhD Positions in Bio Inspired Design and Control at University of Twente

Μαρ 14, 2020 12:22

The Surgical Robotics Laboratory ( in the Department of Biomechanical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering Technology) at the University of Twente, The Netherlands has openings for a PhD students within the research area of Bio-inspired Design and Control.

Further details:
PhD Positions in Bio Inspired Design and Control at University of Twente


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