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Training Course: "Power of Positivity - Youth Exchanges" in Finland

Μαρ 06, 2020 10:21

Training Course: "Power of Positivity - Youth Exchanges"
22-26 June 2020 | Nurmes, Finland

The training helps you to clarify your understanding of mental health and discover how you can support young people's mental health in your work. Moreover, you will learn how youth exchanges fit in to the discussion.

Training Course: "Active and Engaged - Supporting young people's conscious active citizenship" in Ireland

Μαρ 06, 2020 10:15

Training Course: "Active and Engaged - Supporting young people's conscious active citizenship"
27-29 May 2020 | Dublin, Ireland

This seminar is for youth workers and leaders to promote young people’s conscious active citizenship civic competence so that they can analyze issues in their community with a view to proposing innovative solutions to bring about social change.

To explore how to support young people’s conscious active citizenship

Seminar: "FOCUS Learning! Concepts and practices of learning in youth work education and training!" in Germany

Μαρ 06, 2020 10:07

Seminar: "FOCUS Learning! Concepts and practices of learning in youth work education and training!"
25-27 May 2020 | Bad Honnef, Germany

FOCUS Learning! will be of interest to trainers, educators and lecturers involved in the education and training of youth workers – be it in NGOs, institutions, or universities (of applied science).

The aim of FOCUS Learning! will be to promote and explore the concept of learning in youth work in its collective and individual dimension.

Seminar: "Be active! Make a change in 2020!" in United Kingdom

Μαρ 06, 2020 10:03

Seminar: "Be active! Make a change in 2020!"
1-8 May 2020 | St Albans, United Kingdom

"Be active! Make a change in 2020!", a 7-day-lasting international seminar with different 8 countries involved: Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Romania, Latvia, Italy, Turkey and United Kingdom, 34 participants, designed for youth workers/educators/ youth leaders/facilitators to improve communication and social skills of the youths. The topics addressed are wellbeing, inclusion and social dialog.


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